Thread: New Reefer
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dsi1[_17_] dsi1[_17_] is offline
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Default New Reefer

On Monday, September 7, 2015 at 10:14:58 AM UTC-10, la voz del norte wrote:
> dsi1 wrote:
> > On Monday, September 7, 2015 at 8:36:11 AM UTC-10, la voz del norte wrote:
> >> dsi1 wrote:
> >>
> >>>> Ah! Mr.BadAss Aloha man. heheh
> >>>> You could hunt wild pigs there with that pipe.
> >>>
> >>> Dr. Aloha sez: You've been hanging with small, weasel-like, mammals for too long. The post was obviously a joke -
> >>> or was it?
> >>>
> >>> What I really got under the car seat is car fixin' stuff. I did once have a floor jack handle (which does look
> >>> like a pipe) under there which did raise my wife's friend eyebrow but that's women for you. Hee hee.
> >>
> >> I had a friend who used to travel back and forth to Mexico with a very
> >> short sawed-off .20 ga. side by side shotgun.\

> >
> > That guy might have seen too many movies or he was an experienced traveler to Mexico. Maybe both.

> Definitely both, he was a gruff but well-meaning bear of man who
> confided in me, with a wink of one eye, that he made these trips to
> Mejico to "party with the gals".
> And he would always bring back with him a supply of rohippinol
> (sp.)which iirc is the so-called date rape drug.
> By his telling it makes the evening go a lot smoother, without the
> sloppiness of "ludes".
> I was willing to take his word on that and asked no further questions.
> He never got in any real trouble stateside, so I'll leave it there.
> >>
> >> It can't possibly have been more than 14" long, totally illegal, and one
> >> can only guess what the Mexican authorities would have done had they
> >> found it.
> >>
> >> There would have been a mordita for sure, and not such a small one is my
> >> guess.
> >>
> >> But he never got popped.

> >
> > Sounds like it worked out for him.

> Some people have a certain force of personality that simply acts like a
> gravity wave to repel the vicissitudes of life.
> He was one of those guys.

Those guys thrive on the shady and things regular guys would never do. You keep waiting for them to get killed but then they die like normal people. It's a mystery how that happens.