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Shalako Shalako is offline
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Default Where's the Turbot?

On 9/9/2015 12:51 PM, Shalako wrote:
> It's hard enough to find decent sole over here in land-locked, but it's
> become almost impossible to find fresh Turbot in the last few years, and
> forget frozen - it's just not here.
> Over-fished perhaps?
> Or is this just Yurop hogging all the good fish for their own market?
> Turbot is a flatfish primarily caught in the North Sea with a
> black-brown skin and a length of about 50 cm. It has a good-flavoured
> firm flesh, on a par with Dover sole.
> Buyer's guide
> Avoid turbot if the flesh has a hint of blue, which means it's stale.
> It's available all year as a whole fish or in fillets or steaks, but buy
> it whole when you can because the bones help to add flavour to the
> flesh. Unfortunately much turbot fishing is unsustainable and farmed
> turbot is recommended as the best sustainable choice.
> Preparation
> Try turbot fillets steamed, poached or grilled and served with a simple
> parsley or hollandaise sauce. Some French chefs lovingly sauce the
> turbot with lobster or mousseline.
> French production rose from an estimated 150 tonnes in 1993 to a peak of
> 980 tonnes in 1997; since then it has fluctuated, being 728 tonnes in
> 2002. In Portugal productions seems to be fluctuating around 350-390
> tonnes/yr. By far the largest producer is Spain, whose annual production
> has nearly doubled since 1998. In 2002, Spanish turbot production was
> 3847 tonnes (75.9 percent of the global total). Besides the three
> countries mentioned above, no other country reported production above 50
> tonnes in 2002.
> The global production of turbot in 2002 was valued at USD 41.38 million.
> Main issues
> The sector is evolving and is consolidated on-shore; culture in cages is
> just beginning and is considered to be in its pilot stage.