Thread: California
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gtr gtr is offline
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Default California

On 2015-09-17 00:41:48 +0000, notbob said:

> On 2015-09-16, Dave Smith > wrote:
>> I can understand why people tolerate the population density, the
>> high prices, the traffic, the water restrictions. Physically, and
>> even with the drought, it is beautiful.

> Glad you had a good time, but not everyone agrees.
> "....since 1990, according to the U.S. Census, 3,642,490 people, net,
> have left California."

And were replaced by almost 9 million, theoretically leaving about 30
million who seemed satisfied enough. According the U.S. Census (stated
in millions):

2014 - 38.8
2013 - 38.4
2012 - 38.1
2011 - 38.07
2010 - 37.35
2009 - 36.96
2008 - 36.6
2007 - 36.25
2006 - 36.02
2005 - 35.83
2004 - 35.57
2003 - 35.25
2002 - 34.87
2001 - 34.48
2000 - 33.99
1999 - 33.5
1998 - 32.9
1997 - 32.49
1996 - 32.02
1995 - 31.7
1994 - 31.48
1993 - 31.27
1992 - 30.97
1991 - 30.47
1990 - 29.95

I moved here in 1990.

> I have, as have two of my closest friends, and Ima CA boy, born n'
> bred. I'll never return.

What's the complaint? You can't even stop by to say hi to your old pals?