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ImStillMags ImStillMags is offline
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Default Freezing Ground Beef

On Thursday, September 17, 2015 at 11:21:00 AM UTC-7, Steve Freides wrote:
> Our local WF is having a three-day sale on grass fed ground beef, which
> is what we buy, anyway. We like it, and they grind and package it in
> the store - it seems quite fresh to us.
> Is it OK to buy extra and freeze? If so (I imagine it is OK), what are
> the best practices for doing this, e.g., keep it in the Styrofoam +
> plastic_wrap it comes in, put aluminum foil around that? Or put it in a
> double freezer bag? Take it out of the original packaging? Etc.
> We'll use it before too long, anyway, I suspect. We usually buy 2 lbs.
> once a week or so - grill a few burgers, cook make the rest in frying
> pan with seasoning and save in the 'frig that way, maybe add tomatoes
> sauce (Sloppy Joe) to some of it.
> Thanks very much.
> -S-

If you are using it up fairly soon just wrap the package in aluminum foil, label it and stick it in the freezer.