Freezing Ground Beef
On Thu, 17 Sep 2015 16:10:09 -0700 (PDT), Nancy2
> wrote:
>I find the best way, without a vacuum sealer and to aid in fast thawing,
>is to separate it into one pound portions and squish each portion flat
>inside a regular (not pleated bottom) Ziploc bag, edge to edge. Smooth it out
>so that the thickness is fairly even. Freeze flat. Not only will a flat package like this
>thaw fairly quickly, but you can...while still in the bag...whack the bag on the corner
>of the counter to break off individual portions to thaw, if you only need one or a few.
>It works perfectly.
Agree, I do the same (albeit not with ziplock bags). Especially handy
when I forget to thaw out ground meat for the perpetually hungry cats
I work for.