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Miss Kitty Miss Kitty is offline
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Posts: 155
Default Freezing Ground Beef

On Thursday, September 17, 2015 at 6:10:24 PM UTC-5, Nancy2 wrote:
> I find the best way, without a vacuum sealer and to aid in fast thawing,
> is to separate it into one pound portions and squish each portion flat
> inside a regular (not pleated bottom) Ziploc bag, edge to edge. Smooth it out
> so that the thickness is fairly even. Freeze flat. Not only will a flat package like this
> thaw fairly quickly, but you can...while still in the bag...whack the bag on the corner
> of the counter to break off individual portions to thaw, if you only need one or a few.
> It works perfectly.
> N.

Ha, I never thought of doing that. I always wrap 1 pound portions in cling wrap, then stuff that in a Ziploc bag, squeeze the air out and seal. I usually buy a 10 lb tube when the grocery store has them on sale, usually for $2.99 a pound (cheap these days!). I'm going to try your method, I like the quicker thawing time. Thanks for the idea.