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brooklyn1 brooklyn1 is offline
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Default Freezing Ground Beef

On Thu, 17 Sep 2015 22:02:26 -0700 (PDT), Miss Kitty
> wrote:

>On Thursday, September 17, 2015 at 6:10:24 PM UTC-5, Nancy2 wrote:
>> I find the best way, without a vacuum sealer and to aid in fast thawing,
>> is to separate it into one pound portions and squish each portion flat
>> inside a regular (not pleated bottom) Ziploc bag, edge to edge. Smooth it out
>> so that the thickness is fairly even. Freeze flat. Not only will a flat package like this
>> thaw fairly quickly, but you can...while still in the bag...whack the bag on the corner
>> of the counter to break off individual portions to thaw, if you only need one or a few.
>> It works perfectly.
>> N.

>Ha, I never thought of doing that. I always wrap 1 pound portions in cling wrap,
>then stuff that in a Ziploc bag, squeeze the air out and seal.
>I usually buy a 10 lb tube when the grocery store has them on sale,
>usually for $2.99 a pound (cheap these days!).

If you buy 10 pounds of preground mystery meat at a time you really
should own a meat grinder. Buy roasts on sale and grind those, at
least you'll know what/who you're eating. I don't know how anyone can
screws up the courage to eat those bulk chubs... if you saw the
disgusting crap they are putting through their monster grinders you'd
surely have serious nightmares for the rest of your life... you'd be
constantly having to check under your bed for the pink slime ghouls.