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Sqwertz Sqwertz is offline
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Default Freezing Ground Beef

> On Thu, 17 Sep 2015 17:04:21 -0500, Sqwertz >
> wrote:
>> On Thu, 17 Sep 2015 14:20:55 -0400, Steve Freides wrote:
>>> Our local WF is having a three-day sale on grass fed ground beef, which
>>> is what we buy, anyway. We like it, and they grind and package it in
>>> the store - it seems quite fresh to us.
>>> Is it OK to buy extra and freeze? If so (I imagine it is OK), what are
>>> the best practices for doing this, e.g., keep it in the Styrofoam +
>>> plastic_wrap it comes in, put aluminum foil around that? Or put it in a
>>> double freezer bag? Take it out of the original packaging? Etc.
>>> We'll use it before too long, anyway, I suspect. We usually buy 2 lbs.
>>> once a week or so - grill a few burgers, cook make the rest in frying
>>> pan with seasoning and save in the 'frig that way, maybe add tomatoes
>>> sauce (Sloppy Joe) to some of it.

>> Provided there's not a lot of air in the package (usually at the ends
>> of the styrofoam, the packed would freeze fine in their original
>> styrofoam+overwrap packages for 4-6 weeks.
>> The best way to do it would be to vacuum seal (ie. a Foodsaver(tm)) in
>> portions that you would eat between the two of you. They would keep
>> for a couple years.
>> I don't recommend ziplocks for long term freezer storage. They are
>> porous and allow air in. But they are necessary if you wdon't have a
>> vacuum sealer. Fill up a whole quart size bag about 3/4" thick or
>> less of meat (about 1.25 pounds. Make sure there is NO AIR in the
>> BOTTOM CORNERS of the bag (stuff a few pinches of meat in those two
>> corners the first thing you do before filling the rest of the bag) .
>> Then press/squeeze the meat in the bags flat and evenly until meat is
>> encroaching the ziplock seam (no air!) and seal. Then try not to
>> move/knock them around too much in your freezer after they're frozen.
>> They should last 4-6 months that way.
>> -sw

> Yep, that's the way to do it. The key point is no air in the bag. I've
> kept ground beef in the freezer for up to a year with no problems
> ('though this may be pushing it).



>> Omelet wrote:

>> He hates me 'cause I never slept with him...

> He hates himself because he is all he has to sleep with
> I don't know, sometimes he used to seem normal, then he went petty
> trough vindictive and now I just shun contact. I have enough crazies to
> deal with in my world without encouraging those who refuse to take their
> meds.

For the record, I never once even considered sleeping with you. And
you know that. You're the one who somehow got the idea that I was
going to move in with you - and you posted that to RFC just out of the
total blue.

After having met you twice at casual gatherings 2 or 3
years ago and not giving you any indication that there was any sort of
romantic interest in the least, you somehow twisted that into MY

That was just way too Psycho for me. I sat there at stared at the
screen for at least 15 minutes wondering, WTF? That was just way too
spooky. I've met weird, semi-psycho women before but you win, hands
down. Mapi of austin.general still holds the male title, but at least
he announced his psychosis right there lying on the floor of the bar
at B.D. Reilly's rather than romantically obsessing over me for 2

Needless to say, you need to come to terms with what happened and why
your mind works that way and stop making up excuses for your fixation
and disappointment before we become the next Yoli and Michael. I'd
prefer you use a sniper rifle on me from a few hundred yards away.
There you go - a reason for you to buy yet another gun and ammo.

And Jeremy, I was just tired of your decade of bullshit and visions of
grandeur about all these things you're "working on" or have not done
in the past. Even posting a call for meetings with imaginary people
about imaginary projects of yours at "the normal time and place", as
if you are somebody important with a life. I'm pretty sure you're
manic depressive mixed with habitual liar.

Sorry I don't fit either of your Ideal Psycho Pal Profiles.
