Chicken Kiev
On 2015-09-18 21:22, Cheryl wrote:
> On 9/15/2015 9:58 AM, William wrote:
>> Thank you so much for posting this Victor!
> And from me!
> My son married a Ukrainian
>> and I have repeatedly asked my daughter in law if she or her mother
>> know how to make Chicken Kiev. After watching the video and seeing how
>> involved the process is, I understand why they act like they never
>> heard of Chicken Kiev. I bet if you could fast food Chicken Kiev, you
>> could take Kentucky Fried Chicken's business away from them!
> Agree about how involved the process is. It is just such a delectable
> dish that I'd love to make it sometime. It will have to be a dinner
> party type dish because it deserves a special occasion!
It's not that hard. Make up the compound butter ahead if time. The rest
is pretty well straight forward.
I had a good friend who used to hire one of his patients as a baby
sitter when he and his wife went on vacation. She was Ukranian and loved
to cook. She would invite us over for dinner and often served us Chicken
Kiev. I did it a few times at home. It always turned out nicely. I have
not done it in years. Maybe I should try it again.