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rosie[_1_] rosie[_1_] is offline
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Default Carol & Cindy's back-stabbing

On Friday, September 25, 2015 at 4:43:42 PM UTC-5, zero conscience wrote:
> So it was fine to try and run me off, malign my mental state, get me
> banned from RFC, all because????
> Because I REFUSED to stand still while the jackals here tore flesh from
> Julie Bove as so many of you laughed, smirked, or just watched in silent
> complicity.
> Let's be crystal clear here - you have supported a bull status quo, even
> taken some of your own shots, albeit not as much as the core jackals.
> But in your convoluted minds you took offense to MY doing what any
> decent man on the street would if he saw a woman getting mugged.
> I stepped in and laid the law down with absolute moral authority,
> something perhaps that troubles you more than had I simply joined the
> jackal pack and made my own sick attacks.
> So whose mental state is questionable here?
> Mmmm hmmm...
> You're both frauds.
> Neither one of you had anything but pleasant discussion from me before
> you decide to backstab me.
> Well how the wheel has turned, eh ladies?
> Now everyone who reads this knows just what the RFC bully culture is,
> who supports it, and how far they'll go to attack anyone who deviates
> from their sadistic little cabal of abuse.
> As women you should both be damned ashamed of yourselves!
> This is a sick and corrupt culture here and it's not going to stand.
> Trust me.

I have no idea what you are talking about.