On 9/26/2015 12:33 PM, rosie wrote:
> On Friday, September 25, 2015 at 4:43:42 PM UTC-5, zero conscience wrote:
>> So it was fine to try and run me off, malign my mental state, get me
>> banned from RFC, all because????
>> Because I REFUSED to stand still while the jackals here tore flesh from
>> Julie Bove as so many of you laughed, smirked, or just watched in silent
>> complicity.
>> Let's be crystal clear here - you have supported a bull status quo, even
>> taken some of your own shots, albeit not as much as the core jackals.
>> But in your convoluted minds you took offense to MY doing what any
>> decent man on the street would if he saw a woman getting mugged.
>> I stepped in and laid the law down with absolute moral authority,
>> something perhaps that troubles you more than had I simply joined the
>> jackal pack and made my own sick attacks.
>> So whose mental state is questionable here?
>> Mmmm hmmm...
>> You're both frauds.
>> Neither one of you had anything but pleasant discussion from me before
>> you decide to backstab me.
>> Well how the wheel has turned, eh ladies?
>> Now everyone who reads this knows just what the RFC bully culture is,
>> who supports it, and how far they'll go to attack anyone who deviates
>> from their sadistic little cabal of abuse.
>> As women you should both be damned ashamed of yourselves!
>> This is a sick and corrupt culture here and it's not going to stand.
>> Trust me.
> I have no idea what you are talking about.
You must be as dense as a holiday fruit cake!
This is a group where women (like Julie) are bullied and stalked by more
than a few of the regulars as well as the evil "Groupkillas" as they
have actually labeled themselves - Marty and Sqwerty.
Thus far I am the ONLY one standing up to this bully culture on a
repeated ongoing daily basis, period.
Cheri and Ophelia dislike bullying and have said so, but don't challenge
the trolls much directly or spend the time I do spanking the bully
jackals here.
For that "sin" Carol and Cindy back-stabbed me and got my last Usenet
accounts canceled, thereby directly censoring me here.
I must conclude then that you are either utterly clueless or part of the
bully mentality that runs RFC.
Your call, dear.
news://freenews.netfront.net/ - complaints: