On 9/27/2015 1:50 AM, Ophelia wrote:
> "rosie" > wrote in message
> ...
>> Sorry, I do not like picking on people. I don't post here every often
>> , in
>> face today is the first time in more than a week.I know nothing about you
>> being banned from UseNet. Nor do I guess I care all that much. Sorry if
>> you are having trouble.I am a woman, never had trouble with Marty and
>> Squirty. Nor Julie, actually any one.Maybe I am simply clueless.
> Not clueless, Rosie.
> You are one of the nicer people and it is always a
> pleasure to see you here!
Go on, be candid.
Tell her this IS a place where women are bullied and stalked.
Why am _I_ the only one who'll expose this collective indecency????
news://freenews.netfront.net/ - complaints: