Getting Ready for Some Weather
Supposed to have blizzard conditions tomorrow afternoon into Monday
morning. I bought 6# of ground chuck at Sam's on Friday and divvied it
into 1 pound packages and made a batch of chili for supper. There's a
quart left for another meal.
Last week I cut up a boneless chuck roast and pressure cooked it for
stew and. The 'and' went into the soup kettle tonight. I cooked a few
handsful of barley, rehydrated a package of dried Slovak mushrooms, and
put together some soup. A couple carrots, some celery, some onion, some
fresh parsley (I think my outside parsley bites the dust tonight), the
cooked beef and broth, some tomato juice -- smells pretty good in my
kitchen right now.
Last night I roasted a couple turkey wings for gravy stock, too.
Winter? Bring it.
"If you're ever in a jam, here I am."