Ping: Hey, Jill
On 10/2/2015 10:42 PM, cshenk wrote:
> jmcquown wrote in
>> On 10/2/2015 1:57 PM, Janet B wrote:
>>> Are you going to be out of the flood area?
>>> I'm thinking about you
>>> Janet US
>> Thanks for your concern. It rains a lot but I've yet to encounter
>> flooded streets. We seem to have excellent drainage. It did cool
>> off here nicely. It's fantastic to have temps around 70°F and the
>> windows open after months of 90's and high 80's and tons of humidity.
>> Jill
> Glad to hear that Jill. Here, it's been interesting getting about with
> a good bit of our 9 cities that make Hampton Roads flooded out in
> various spots.
Oddly, I encountered worse street flooding when I lived in west
Tennessee than I ever have on the islands.
Last night John's best friend saw on the Weather Channel these big red
and orange blobs (resulting from Hurricane Joaquin) and insisted he call
to make sure I was okay. I appreciate the concern but (1) he'd just
talked with me that morning and everything was fine and, (2) the Weather
Channel images always make things look much worse than they are.
I do feel for the people who are experiencing bad flooding. I also wish
I could have sent some of my summer rain rain to drought-stricken areas
out west.