Thread: Egg soldiers
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Janet B Janet B is offline
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Default Egg soldiers, Ping Janet US

On Mon, 05 Oct 2015 19:10:04 -0500, Sky >

>On 10/5/2015 6:57 PM, Janet B wrote:
>> On Mon, 05 Oct 2015 18:16:15 -0500, Sky >
>> wrote:
>>> On 10/5/2015 11:10 AM, notbob wrote:
>>>> Speaking of Chris Kimball, guess who is watching him? (Well, a little
>>>> bit) Me! A CK despiser from way back.
>>>> Yes, I've been watching back eps of America's Test Kitchen on Netflix.
>>>> Not all of 'em, but a few of interest. I was amazed to see the
>>>> episode on how to soft boil eggs. Damned if 1/2" water and a 6.5 min
>>>> cooking time don't work!! Even works up here at 8K ft elev, where
>>>> water boils at about 196 deg F (I added about 20 secs to cook time).
>>>> Gonna buy me a Rosle egg topper and a couple egg cups, too. Gotta
>>>> give this Limey "egg soldiers" silliness a shot.
>>>> Cheerio, guv'nr
>>>> nb
>>> Oh, the irony - VBG!!! I happen to like the bow-tie guy, but I
>>> appreciate the 'staff' more! As always, YMMV! The two magazines aren't
>>> so shabby either, unlike many others :>
>>> Sky

>> I just got the cookbook of all the recipes, all seasons, including
>> this season. Good stuff!
>> Janet US

>Would you recommend the book as a holiday (Christmas) gift? My folks
>like recipes and cookbooks, etc., so I wonder . . . ? TIA

Yes. The book is laid out well and so are the recipes. It is a soft
cover, decent page size, not to heavy to be useful. It opens and lies
flat (a big plus) No exotic ingredients. A picture for every recipe.
A reason why the recipe works. And just like the show, everything is
in plain language. I'm enjoying it. Truthfully, I've had the book
about two weeks and I keep changing my mind about what I'm going to
try first. Right now it is bed-time reading.
The Complete Cook's Country TV Show Cookbook (every recipe from all
eight seasons)
Janet US