"Coas****cher" > wrote in message
> No no no! These are the same people who insist on eating a
bunch of
> grapes before buying, poking holes in melons, and sqeezing the
> till they are mush. We pay for this! If you can't figure out
what is
> best, ask for help. The next step, which I expect soon, will
be all
> produce packaged in plastic and not be able to be examined till
> bought it and gotten it home. I don't want that do you?
I used to shop at a market where they prepackaged their tomatoes.
When I would get home and open the package, invariably there
would be one or two "unacceptable" tomatoes on the bottom. I
would take them back to the store and they would give me a
refund. After I did this for about six weeks in a row, they
stopped prepackaging them. I like to think I am partially
responsible for their decision.
This reminds me of the outdoor produce markets overseas. When you
selected your fruit or whatever, you placed it in a paper bag,
always trying to be slightly over the weight you wanted. If you
were underweight, like, say, slightly under a kilo, the merchant
would throw in a bruised, rotten, or otherwise unacceptable piece
of fruit, which he kept near the scales for that very purpose.
(Of course, this was in the days before electronic scales.)
barry in indy