On 10/8/2015 5:26 AM, MisterDiddyWahDiddy wrote:
>> In practical terms, you look at the posted speed limit, and keep your
>> speedometer at or below that limit. Doesn't matter if it says 100 or 25.
> Very few jurisdictions ticket for less than 10 MPH over. Some rich prick in
> a fancy convertible was driving about 30 in a 30, in the left lane. There
> was another car going 30 in the right lane. He did this for several miles,
> while it was obvious that I (and others) wanted to pass. I ended up next to
> him (on the right) at a stoplight, and I told him off in front of his
> children.
> Topics related to his manhood were addressed. I was angry, and went for
> maximum punishment/deterrence.
'Round these parts you'd take a round to the face if you tried that,
possibly some spray shooting into the rest of the car.
You ain't smart at all, for such a jealous class warrior.
news://freenews.netfront.net/ - complaints: