Egg soldiers
On 2015-10-08 2:37 PM, Brooklyn1 wrote:
> I don't trust men with beards, makes them appear smarmy, can't read
> their facial expression so I just assume they are lying.
Seriously? When was the last time you spoke with a salesman you could
trust? How are you with lawyers?
> I don't trust people with facial piercings either. Women with
> pierced tongues are a big turn off, pierced nipples are a major
> mutilation. Tats don't bother me so long as they are tasteful and not
> have so many running into each other that they look like carnival
> sideshow freaks.
I am assuming that most business transactions would generally be an
opportunity to discover that the woman had pierced nipples. I can
handle tattoos so long as the person does not expect me to comment
positively about them. I can handle a tiny stud on the side of the nose,
but stick a ring on the nose and you lose me. I just can't take anyone
seriously when they do that. I have been on enough farms and attended
enough farm fairs that it just makes me think of bulls.