Egg soldiers
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Posts: 884
Egg soldiers
On Tue, 06 Oct 2015 20:59:06 -0300,
>On Wed, 07 Oct 2015 10:30:02 +1100, Jeßus > wrote:
>>On 6 Oct 2015 22:35:56 GMT, notbob > wrote:
>>>On 2015-10-06, Jeßus > wrote:
>>>> Any noticeable difference in the end result?
>>>Not that I could tell.
>>>Well, maybe jes a tad. Seems the steamed egg had a tiny bit o'
>>>overcooked yolk, but not enough to be concerned over. Mostly a runny
>>Thanks notbob. I see no point in steaming in that case - but I *will*
>>try it all the same, just in case I find some advantage.
>I found that method someone on here suggested nearly a year ago, 3/4
>inch water, boil rapidly for five minutes, drain and run cold tap on
>eggs for thirty seconds to give me the perfect soft boiled egg. I am
>using the NA Extra Large Eggs. I have had perfect eggs every time, I
>am quite amazed about it and awfully glad I tried it and grateful to
That's much the same as I do for boiled eggs, although usually for no
more than 4 minutes. I just collected a heap of duck and chicken eggs
this morning, so I might do an omelet of some sort for breakfast.
Haven't been eating a whole lot lately, first I had a toothache and
then an infection in or around my jaw... it's been a fun week and I
haven't got much done at all.
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