On Thu, 8 Oct 2015 19:41:02 -0600, graham > wrote:
>On 08/10/2015 4:38 PM, Je?us wrote:
>> On Tue, 6 Oct 2015 21:29:25 -0400, Dave Smith
>> > wrote:
>>> On 2015-10-06 19:53, Je?us wrote:
>>>>> Yer can't drink quaffing beers when they are really cold.
>>>> Mostly agree with that, but not entirely. I do remember when I ran an
>>>> avocado farm in Queensland, circa 1996... the summer days were
>>>> meltingly hot and humid. There was nothing better than stopping at the
>>>> Cooroy pub for an ice-cold beer straight from the tap on the way home.
>>>> Generally though, I drink my beer at room temperature during winter
>>>> and I like them lightly chilled during the warmer months. And when I
>>>> say 'beer', I mean properly brewed beer, not the foamy mass-produced
>>>> crap that the big breweries produce.
>>> It is strange, but a lot of people seem to be under the impression that
>>> British beers being served warm has something to do with their inability
>>> to refrigerate
>> LOL, I think all of those people would be in Nth America... 
>>> it when the reason is that their production of great
>>> beers preceded refrigeration and beers were made to taste good at room
>>> temperature. They did not need to be cold to taste good.
>> Exactly right Dave. My favourite bought beer is a traditional ale -
>> with sediment still in the bottle. It tastes great at room temperature
>> and doesnt have that nasty foamy mouthfeel that the mass produced
>> modern stuff that passes for beer has.
>>> It is unfortunate that so many people base their rating of beer on the
>>> amount they can choke down without unfortunate side effects. Beer
>>> drinkers tend to be loyal to their brands and don't appreciate that
>>> beers can be paired with certain foods.
>> True also. I have one strange pairing I like - a good beer like
>> Coopers Extra strong vintage ale and 90% dark chocolate.
>My favourite beer when I visit the UK is Adnams. It's a quaffing beer,
>i.e., one gulps down ~1/4 pint at a time in contrast to the cold
>lager-style beers that one sips.
You know, I might get a carton of a decent lager next shopping day. I
haven't had a lager in ages!