Fish Fingers' 60th Anniversary in the UK (Gdn)
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Fish Fingers' 60th Anniversary in the UK (Gdn)
On Fri, 09 Oct 2015 10:05:57 -0300,
>On Fri, 9 Oct 2015 08:33:43 -0400, Dave Smith
> wrote:
>>On 2015-10-08 10:39 PM, Je?us wrote:
>>>> Don't see how a square meter could be used. A cubic meter, sure. AKA a
>>>> "stere".
>>> Yes, cubic metre, sorry.
>>It is sold by the cord here, but from what I have seen, there appears to
>>be no consistently applied dimension to those cords.
>That's buyer beware stuff. I had a couple of cords delivered and
>when stacked it clearly was not correct. I called him and there was
>no argument. Interestingly enough, the second truck load brought it
>exactly to the measurements so I figure he knew damn fine but thought
>I was stupid enough not to know, or that I might not get around to
>stacking it.
Time for another supplier. He's probably throwing in a bit of
unseasoned wood as well.
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