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On 8/23/2004, Bob (this one) wrote:


>Or you can forego all this bullshit and scour and reseason
>the pan and be done with it. And never have to raise your pinkie
>when talking ever so aristocratically about it.

Aristocratically? I feel like Senator Kerry now. He's not my guy,
but there could be worse things. I suspect he might have replied
to Psychotron in a similar spirit, of course using a pseudonym,
and then he would be even freer to change his mind. (I'm John
Kerry and I approved this post because I believe the masses
should have pristine cooking paraphenalia) Interesting to think
how Mrs. Kerry might have replied, probably less nuanced.

Actually, I feel a bit badly about the little poke in the ribs I
administered to old Psycho (cheap shot perhaps?), but some
things are too good to resist. As an aside, Psycho seems to have
taken it with great equanimity.

Seriously, though, I would have replied sooner but I was too
busy reviewing the plans for my new yacht with my marine