On Thu, 19 Aug 2004 15:40:53 -0400, Nancy Young >
>Petey the Wonder Dog wrote:
>> Far as I can tell, someone wrote:
>> >I think I should give it a coat of wax. Like, the old fashioned
>> >paste wax we used on our cars. To protect the finish.
>> >
>> >What do you think?
>> No, the wax will come off with hot water and soap.
>> Prolly the porcelin is scratched from years of cleaning with Brillo or
>> just abrasion from pots and pans.
>Nah, that's not true. It gets dirty on the bottom because I should
>keep after it more. I do not use brillo and I have a rack on it so
>the pots and pans never reach it.
>The dishwasher back flushes into it, charming as that sounds.
>It's not an old sink.
>> If you really like the sink, you might be able to get it re-coated, or
>> DIY with a kit.
>No, not on your life, it does not need that, perhaps I overstated my
>case. I do appreciate that you took the time to respond, thank you.
In our last house we had a new synthetic material sink that began to
stain in the bottom after a few months. It turned out that the woman
we hired to clean our house twice a month was using an abrasive
cleanser like Comet on it, which had micro-scratched the surface,
allowing stains to set in. We switched to something like Soft Scrub
and the problem seemed to diminish.
I wonder if you could polish the sink with an auto polishing compound
to make it less porous on the surface, blocking out stains?
I wonder if what I just wrote makes any sense, also.
"Dallas is a rich man with a death wish in his eyes."
-- Jimmie Dale Gilmore