Egg soldiers
jmcquown wrote:
> On 10/10/2015 5:32 PM, Jeßus wrote:
>> On Sat, 10 Oct 2015 09:37:37 -0400, Gary > wrote:
>>> Personally, I don't care if someone is *** or not. Just keep it to
>>> yourself though.
>> Agree with that. I couldn't care less about somebody's sexual
>> orientation (harmless ones at least). Make an issue out of it or keep
>> throwing it in my face and that will get my back up.
> I knew a *** woman who told me she wished I swung that way because she
> found me attractive. I said I was flattered but sorry, not my cup of
> tea. It never came up again. If she'd tried to press the issue I'd
> have gotten irritated. I've never run into a pushy *** person. I've
> run into more than my share of pushy heterosexual men who think
> they're entitled to some sort of attention, though.
> Jill