On Sun, 11 Oct 2015 10:37:41 -0400, Gary > wrote:
>> MisterDiddyWahDiddy wrote:
>> >He's even honest about preferring ferrets to women.
>> That wasn't what he said, he said at this time, without a woman in his
>> life, he is happy with Mia. That's entirely different.
>Mia is old and special care now. She needs me and she takes up much of
>my time. We have a long history together. I will give all that she
>wants and needs until the end. She wants to sleep right next to me now
>and I happily give her that. I have to hand feed her too several times
>a day. Pain in the ass sometimes for me but....no problem here. She
>depends on my attention, companionship, and care and she WILL get it
>all. She has me wrapped around her little paw. heheh
>Her last days will be good ones to my best ability. :-D
She's a lucky fur ball
It's the same here especially for my two fräuleins. They are part of
the family here and will get any/all care and love they need for the
rest of their years. Winnie the dog, too. I even have one ewe that for
all intents and purposes is a pet, she is so friendly and tame. She
gives the best lambs too. She'll see the rest of her days out here
with good shelter and food.