Egg soldiers
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Posts: 23,520
Egg soldiers
> Gary wrote:
> >I do know 2 *** men couples. Nice people. I'm fine with them. I don't
> >care about their sexual preferences. Only one flauts his gayness with
> >the odd *** talk. For some reason, HE feels the need to let everyone
> >he meets know that he's ***. The other 3 don't act in that odd manner.
> Well we all vary in style, straight or ***
One *** friend is
> normal for all of the year until the *** Pride celebration, then he's
> the one on a float with tight, black leather pants with the cheeks cut
> out on his bum.
This is the annoying *** ****nut that should be shot twice in the face
and buried in a shallow grave in some random cornfield. What a
jackass. Right, Bryan? Are you with me here?
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