Egg soldiers
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Posts: 1,400
Egg soldiers
In article >,
> Janet wrote:
> >
> > Relax, Gary, it's no secret who you sleep with.
> > We all know you're a *** ferret.
> Not ***
Here's a pic of me and my last human(?) girlfriend at Worden
> Park when we visited the UK many years ago.
My, what lovely hair she's got :-)
Whatever is that ferretmobile?
> She was the love of my life but she died way too young. I still miss
> her, think of her, and love her every single day, so I have no need
> for a new girlfriend other than the little furry one that is sleeping
> on my bed as we speak.
> Mia is not too long for this world either. I will start NO new
> relationships...I'm so tired of the constant losses. All of the pain
> from each haunts you forever. I'm so over the heartbreak.
> :-O
Sorry to hear that.
Janet UK
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