On 10/13/2015 9:01 AM, Gary wrote:
> wrote:
>> What distresses me most is if she is sitting somewhere and as I pass I
>> put out a hand to stroke her, she will flinch. It's somehow a big
>> insult lol
> No! Don't take that as an insult. Evidently she was mistreated and a
> hand approaching her is an ingrained threat. How long have you had
> her? Give it time and she will slowly begin to trust you and her new
> life with you.
There is a man who walks a lovely medium-sized dog down my street. He
adopted her from a shelter and she had been abused. If you reach out
your hand she cringes and shies away. She's afraid she's going to be
struck. It's very sad.
> If YOU are being nice to her all the time, she will eventually come
> around.
Maybe. Or it could be too ingrained. She did say she took the cat in
an 10 years old and now it is 18.