On 10/13/2015 5:17 AM, Gary wrote:
> MisterDiddyWahDiddy wrote:
>> As far as over-the-top campiness goes, I find it
>> ridiculous, but no more or no less as absurd as sports fans waving towels
>> or foam hands with the index finger sticking out.
>> This:
>> http://isabelrose.com/wp-content/upl...ning-image.jpg
>> is no more or less ridiculous than this:
>> http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3289/...13c0c229df.jpg
>> If you don't think so, you're probably either a nutso sports fan or a major
>> prude.
> I'll claim apples vs oranges there, Bryan. I'm neither a nutso sports
> fan nor a major prude but that new york *** gang is..... WTF? This is
> not just ***. These guys are seriously messed up to prance around in a
> public parade like that. I'll tell you this too. I'll bet the
> majority of *** people really resent this crap. They want to be
> accepted 'as is' in society and those degenerates don't help the cause
> at all. And you wonder why so many still "hate" gays.
> The clown hats are appropriate. These people(?) go way beyond ***. You
> have to wonder wth happened to them in their early lives to act this
> way. If they showed up for a parade "in my area," I seriously doubt
> any of them would make it home alive. 
> Crayola should sue them all for copyright infringments or some such
> thing.
And the rainbow-lighted White House was an insult to the 97% who are
NOT ***.
> As far as the college team fans. College kids love to be weird. I
> wonder what the hand symbols mean. Now that California has recently
> made the term "redskins" illegal (only in California lol), even they
> would probably be arrested and jailed if they attended a game at
> CalTech. hahaha
When will Florida State imprison that scoundrel Chief Osceola and his
flaming war spear?