Fish Fingers' 60th Anniversary in the UK (Gdn)
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Fish Fingers' 60th Anniversary in the UK (Gdn)
On Sun, 11 Oct 2015 07:58:50 -0300,
>On Sun, 11 Oct 2015 11:24:52 +1100, Jeßus > wrote:
>>On Sat, 10 Oct 2015 21:12:23 -0300,
>>>On Sun, 11 Oct 2015 10:30:54 +1100, Jeßus > wrote:
>>>>On Sat, 10 Oct 2015 07:14:26 -0300,
>>>>>On Sat, 10 Oct 2015 11:54:03 +1100, Jeßus > wrote:
>>>>>>On Fri, 09 Oct 2015 20:37:35 -0300,
>>>>>>>On Sat, 10 Oct 2015 10:25:32 +1100, Jeßus > wrote:
>>>>>>>>Time for another supplier. He's probably throwing in a bit of
>>>>>>>>unseasoned wood as well.
>>>>>>>I was okay with this years wood as I didn't intend to use it this
>>>>>>Good to plan ahead
>>>>>I had one of those small Jotul stoves and no way I wanted to use green
>>>>>wood in it.
>>>>Very bad for their longevity.
>>>It was an excellent stove, you could put two logs in at night and
>>>there was enough go left in them to add two more in the morning.
>>Clearly an older model then
I assume it is the same where you are -
>>here wood stoves and fires have to be designed by law to not be able
>>to be fully shut down, if you know what I mean (the air vents)?
>>The reason for it is to reduce smoke pollution... but it does mean
>>it's nigh on impossible to get a new fire to burn overnight and well
>>into the morning. Most are easy to modify, however.
>I don't know what the regs are now, we were at our cottage and nobody
>else for miles around. When I lived by the sea there was a hippie
>couple moved in up the road. They put notices in all our doors about
>using pesticides as they did not want their little boy running through
>it all.
>Well~ that got my hackles up and I put a note in their door pointing
>out my dandelion free grass was the result of hard work with a garden
>claw over a couple of years and that more to the point, if they would
>stop burning green wood in their wood stove then my grandson could
>wait at the mailboxes up near them for the school bus without
>triggering his asthma.
Well done
I might have followed that up throwing an empty herbicide container in
or near their yard. I have no problem with them being adverse to
herbicides, but the way they went about dealing with it was completely
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