Vodka Infusion: Onion
On Wed, 14 Oct 2015 22:06:40 -0700, gtr > wrote:
>On 2015-10-15 04:02:01 +0000, Sqwertz said:
>> On Sun, 11 Oct 2015 15:43:56 -0700, gtr wrote:
>>> Okay, I've done well with the jalapeno, now I'd like to try onion.
>> I just had an Epiphany: Horseradish vodka.
>I did that one a few years back. This, after trying a horseradish
>aquavit at Aquavit in Manhattan. Me and one friend at the smorgasbord
>loved it, everybody else didn't care for it--but they don't care for
>horseradish either. I pity them.
I love horseradish... not so sure I want it in my drink though.