Fall is busy time
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Fall is busy time
"Janet B" > wrote in message
> On Thu, 15 Oct 2015 18:36:15 -0300,
>>On Thu, 15 Oct 2015 13:58:29 -0600, Janet B >
>>>On Thu, 15 Oct 2015 18:58:11 +0100, "Ophelia" >
>>>>"Janet B" > wrote in message
>>>>> On Thu, 15 Oct 2015 12:18:10 -0400, Dave Smith
>>>>> > wrote:
>>>>>>On 2015-10-15 12:10 PM, Janet B wrote:
>>>>>>> In my area it has been too dry to provide forage up in the hills and
>>>>>>> mountains. The animals come down to where there is water and food.
>>>>>>> Then they become habituated. The deer in my neighborhood have taken
>>>>>>> up residence along the creek. The one buck goes upstream past my
>>>>>>> house everyday, crosses the court and enters the backyard of a
>>>>>>> neighbor where he dozes all day. Generally he is a polite neighbor.
>>>>>>> He's safe here. Once they leave this area of dead end streets they
>>>>>>> become traffic casualties.
>>>>>>When I was in Pacific Grove last month there were deer roaming through
>>>>>>the parking lot at hour hotel and they were in the parks and
>>>>>>When we were driving along the coast I saw a man walking a German
>>>>>>Shepherd. There were more than a dozen deer nearby and two of them
>>>>>>teasing the dog.
>>>>>>When we left there were stopped at the Elkhorn Slough and there were
>>>>>>signs up warning of mountain lion sightings and they suggested that
>>>>>>people not hike alone there.
>>>>> We get mountain lion sightings here in neighborhoods along the
>>>>> foothills. Schools go into lock down for the day. Fortunately there
>>>>> have been no confrontations. Just reports of bloody driveways and
>>>>> pieces of deer lying about. That's a shocker on your way to work in
>>>>> the morning.
>>>>That is very frightening!!! May I ask where this happens???
>>>In my state of Idaho, but I know similar happens in all the states out
>>>here in the west. We have mountains, low population density for much
>>>of the terrain, and a variety of large mammals. When the deer and
>>>elk (your moose, I believe) come down into the valleys for food and
>>>water, the predators follow. I haven't seen a mountain lion or
>>>mountain lion footprints in my neighborhood but they have been seen
>>>near here. I have seen coyote and fox go through the neighborhood on
>>>a regular basis. My city is the capitol city of my state, so we are
>>>not exactly primitive. However, as the city grows it begins to climb
>>>the foothills in one direction and encroach on the desert to the
>>>south. With that intrusion you have got to expect to find rattle
>>>snakes, and other wildlife using your neighborhood. On the other
>>>hand, we also have ducks, geese, turkeys, pheasant, quail and other
>>>game birds. Thankfully the skunks have stopped visiting here.
>>>Janet US
>>Do you get raccoons ? We don't get mountain lions, nor elk, but all
>>the rest. The main problem here is suburbs that have spread into
>>animal territory, sometimes the people are so irritating, if there is
>>a sleepy bear in the garden, go indoors and shut the door behind you.
>>More often that not, they phone the police and the usual result is a
>>dead bear. We have had some trouble with hikers and coyotes, but
>>again, most of the humans were irritatingly stupid.
> Yes, but I don't even think of raccoons as wild animals anymore. They
> are like squirrels -- always there. They rob cat food and dog food
> and rummage in the garden and are quite tame -- not shy of humans at
> all.
Ahh yes, we have squirrels but I don't really think of them in the same
> Do you get moose. I adore their looks but they are a very big animal
> you don't want to mess with.
> Some municipalities have game or police wardens that actively work to
> scare away or remove the large animals from human areas. That's what
> I favor. All these animals supply a balance in nature.
> Janet US
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