On Friday, October 16, 2015 at 11:13:28 AM UTC-5, John Kuthe wrote:
> On Fri, 16 Oct 2015 04:54:03 -0700 (PDT), MisterDiddyWahDiddy
> > wrote:
> >Here's the story:
> >
> >https://www.facebook.com/bbcworldser...04082479610877
> >
> >
> >My comment:
> >_________________________________________________ __________
> >
> >HEY! I've got an idea. Let's take the German and the American who killed the lion, and put them in a large area, say, one square mile ringed with razor wire, and give them each a crossbow and a bunch of arrows. Here's the rules, kill or be killed, eat or be eaten. Once there is only one survivor, the lock opens on a shipping container that has butchering knives, a large refrigerator and freezer, and fire making supplies. The choices? Cannibalism, suicide or slow starvation. Reality TV at its best. Millions will pay big time on pay-per-view, and the money can be used for conservation. Once the "meat" runs out, or the ratings start falling off, just shoot the son-of-a-bitch from a helicopter, and get one more profitable episode, the one where his body is scavenged by hyenas, jackals or whatever.
> >_________________________________________________ _________
> >
> >--Bryan
> Get therapy Bryan. You are 50+ years old, time to address that most
> likely Narcissistic Personality Disorder.
How old was your mother when she killed herself? You should follow her example.
Christmas will be here in a few months.
> John Kuthe...