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Default Vodka Infusion: Onion

On 2015-10-16 19:25:35 +0000, ImStillMags said:

> OI'm in the process of learning to make my own tonic syrup. I'm
> getting ingredients this weekend. Have you made any of the coctail
> syrups?

No experience at all. I think the science that's going into the
bitters and such that are being experimented with is vastly beyond the
scope of the simple infusions I'm doing.

I was fiddling with (commercial) bitters of all kinds a few years back.
Went to the biggest and most well stocked store in the area (Costa
Mesa, Hi-Time Liquor). They had 10-12 of them. Flash forward 8 years
or so, and they have 3 shelves of them, probably over 40.

It's booming.

When you say "cocktail syrups", you mean something you add to liquor
and soda and make something fun and entertaining?