Vodka Infusion: Onion
On 2015-10-17 23:41:07 +0000, ImStillMags said:
> I'm making tonic syrup for making tonic water with the soda stream or
> gin/vodka tonics with the syrup, spirit and carbonated water.
> I have the first batch cooling right now. I'll post the recipe and
> methodology when It's finished which will be in a day or has
> to sit, cool, settle, strain, etc.
I'm interested. I've been having leg cramps at night. My doctor
recommended tonic water before going to bed. "Really?" I asked.
"Yeah," he said, "My wife gets leg cramps when she plays tennis during
the day and she plays a lot. So she downs a pint or so at night before
Later I looked at the list of chatter he always gives me at the end of
a checkup. One item listed was "Tonic water before bedtime. Vodka
I've discarded my cippolinis today while making the first batch of
infusion. They were rotted out and dated 8/11/15. I bought them
10/15/15. I took them back and informed them of the issue and helped
them ID and throw the other 12 bags in the trash and most of another
small onion type. The only one remaining that was good he gave me two
bags for free. They were pearl. Their in the juice now.