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>notbob writes:
>>pennyaline wrote:
>> When I was young, a local cannery packed produce for the Blue Boy label as
>> well as generic labels. We also had a processing plant that manufactured
>> foods for Ocean Spray, Kraft, Heinz, and many generic labels. I had friends
>> who worked in both plants who told me what I had long suspected: the lower
>> the label, the more crap that went in.

>Are you saying one plant was less quality conscious than the other? That's
>entirely possible. Or are you saying 'lower' label brands from the same
>plant have 'more crap'? If you mean the later, it's just not true. Once a
>line is set up, it isn't changed for different brands. The only difference
>is the label. The line producing Kraft is going to be no different when they
>put a "Krapt" label on it.

All the name brands (Green Giant, Del Monte, White Rose, etc,) are essentially
of equal quality, even the store brands, as those are exactly the same, made on
the same line, but with the store brand label. But the *generics* are of
significantly lesser quality, that's where the poorer crops are used... the
generics have the same nutritional value, but the appearance and texture is of
lesser quality.

---= Move UNITED NATIONS To Paris =---
"Life would be devoid of all meaning were it without tribulation."