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dsi1[_17_] dsi1[_17_] is offline
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Default Tapioca pudding question (bulk tapioca)

On Tuesday, October 20, 2015 at 12:20:17 PM UTC-10, wrote:
> I don't care much for pearl tapioca and buying the granular kind in those little boxes is pretty expensive, so when I found the latter in a two-pound bag at an Indian store (definitely cheaper per pound), I thought I had it made.
> Trouble is, when I followed the Joy of Cooking recipe, while I cooked it for maybe 30 minutes, it just didn't thicken and congeal the way I'm used to.
> Got any ideas?
> I'm pretty sure this is the recipe I used:
> 3 Tbs. tapioca
> 1/2 cup sugar
> 1/4 tsp. salt
> 1 or 2 beaten eggs (I only used one - maybe I should have used two?)
> 2 cups milk
> 1/2 tsp. vanilla
> You use a double boiler. The total time was supposed to be 12 minutes - but that was for quick-cooking tapioca, which, I assume, was not what I had. Again, I cooked it for maybe 30 minutes.
> Lenona.

I dumped half a cup of pearl tapioca, 3 cups milk, half a cup sugar, and salt in the rice cooker and put it in the warm setting and let it sit all day.. When I got home, I put it on the cook setting and stirred it for around 10 minutes while it thickened. At this point, some vanilla was added and it's Miller time. Serve warm or cold. Don't use that old recipe - it sucks!