Exit stage left!
On Fri, 23 Oct 2015 18:50:26 -0700, "Cheri" >
> "Julie Bove" > wrote in message
> ...
> > Looks like the group has been taken over by a single person now,
> > pretending to be others. Ima just walk this way and do other stuff for a
> > while and then maybe the big bad whatever it is will be gone. I hope.
> If you do that, you give it/them what they want. It's pretty easy to figure
> out a shammed post by the tone of the post, spelling, juvenile attacks etc.
> I think the lowest of low are those that post using someone elses nym,
> raised by bottle-flies no doubt, but *screw em,* I'm stayin*. LOL
It's mainly steve wertz. Maybe his kook buddies are in on the act
too, but it's mainly him.