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brooklyn1 brooklyn1 is offline
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Default Ping Kuthe American made ice cube trays

The Cook wrote:
>John Kuthe wrote:
>>"l not -l" wrote:
>>>Spotted on today's shopping trip Rubbermaid ice cube trays Made in USA, on
>>>a (top) shelf right next to Good something trays Made in China. Seen at
>>>Schnuck's Kirkwood location.

>>But Rubbermaid was one of the corporations, formerly a good quality
>>American made brand, moving to China as Chinese businessmen were
>>purchasing Rubbermaid's $750,000 injection molding machine and
>>shipping it to CHINA!!
>>And MalWart was just recently called down for putting "Made in USA"
>>stickers on everything in their corrupt stores!! Made in USA or not!!
>>Now that a prepoderance of We The People are starting to buy only
>>United Statesian made goods, the corrupt evil capitalists are lying
>>their asses off trying to maintain the flow of We The People's dollars
>>to THEM!!

>A Google search for"ice cube tray made in USA" turned up several. Some
>metal and some plastic.

It's an ice cube tray, at this point what difference does it make
where it was made, and how would anyone know by looking at it... Ice
cube trays don't have country of origin molded into them, only the
packaging would say and nine times out of ten that's only where the
packaging was made. Practically nothing is manufactured in the US
anymore, Americans don't know how to make stuff anymore... why do you
think Trump is always saying how he hires Hispanics, he has to,
Americans don't know how to build skyscrapers, most Americans can
barely erect a prefab garden shed. America's schools no longer teach
building trades or any trades, there are no apprenticship programs,
haven't been for a long time. Americans are deathly ascared of
perspiration and calluses, about all they can do is use keyboards and
play the system to remain on the dole.