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Michel Boucher
Posts: n/a

(Curly Sue) wrote in

> Generally I don't read what you write unless it's about food, but
> I haven't taken a vow not to do so.

So there's no way I can tell if you're going to butt in, is there...

> On a personal note Michel,
> you have to accept the fact that when you post here anyone can
> comment on it, just as you feel free to comment on the posts of
> others. That seems fair, doesn't it?

It's fair if you're being fair, and actually, you're not. Fair is
supporting my side, asking people to be more explicit in their
postings when it comes to their constituency...which is all I did.
You would be on my case faster than a cat on fish if I dared to post
something applying only to Canadians without ever saying it only
applied to Canadians, or mentioning Canada even once. You would call
THAT rude, and you would be right to do that.

I was not inclined that day to adhere to the strict Curly Sue code of
goodness and niceness, although I was neither rude nor insulting.
Are *you* always nice? No, as your many posts to me have
demonstrated, so learn to live with it.

Still waiting for Patrick NY ) to pipe up. So
far, he's nowhere to be found.


German to Picasso in front of Guernica: Did you do this?
Picasso to German in front of Guernica: No, it was you.