In article <h%2Xc.180493$8_6.152908@attbi_s04>,
Julia Altshuler > wrote:
> Nancy Young wrote:
> > I almost feel as if I made that up, because what does someone need
> > with one leaf of cabbage?
> Leaving aside the business of how one would buy a single leaf of
> cabbage, there are plenty of uses for one. I live in a 2-person
> household and have in the past lived by myself. Buying small enough
> portions to cook fresh at each meal is a challenge. I love stir fries
> with several different vegetables-- onion, carrot, cabbage, mushrooms,
> etc. Now imagine the quantities you'd need of each to make a single
> portion. Living alone means wrapping a lot in plastic and freezing.
> Those work, but they're still never as good as fresh.
> No, I never bought a single leaf of cabbage, but it always crossed my
> mind that it would be nice if I could.
> --Lia
If they are selling by weight, (and cabbage usually is sold by weight),
I don't see why you can't. :-)
I've found tho' that cabbage keeps for a LONG time in the refrigerator!
Of all the veggies I buy, it seems to last the longest. I also do a lot
of stir fry's and I prefer savoy cabbage.
Sprout the Mung Bean to reply...
>,,<Cat's Haven Hobby Farm>,,<Katraatcenturyteldotnet>,,< id=katra