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Greg Zywicki
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Michel Boucher > wrote in message >. ..
> (Kevintsheehy) wrote in
> :
> > As Michel's posts go, I thought this was among his least
> > obnoxious.

> High praise indeed. But obnoxious is as obnoxious reads. The
> noseyparker index is running high right now on rfc, with a plethora
> of "the usual buttinskis" who feel compelled to exposit ad nauseam
> THEIR take on my response to a post by someone who has expressed no
> further opinion on this subject, either for or against my suggestion.
> I take silence to be support, but what the hey...
> I call upon Patrick NY ) to come forward and
> say whether he was deeply, moderately or not at all offended by my
> request to be more precise in future. And I call upon the usual
> buttinskis, and you know who you are, to keep quiet until we do hear
> from Patrick NY ). If he is offended, I will
> apologize to him, but to no one else.
> Qu'on se le tienne pour dit.

This is a nearly perfect thread. It is offtopic, calls attention to
someone's behavior (mentioned by name) degraded into a flame war,
involves amusing charges and counter charges of breaches of
nettiquette, and has the gathering stormfront of pro/antiUSA

All it needs is SPAM, kitty references, and for someone to post some
private Email.

Extra points for binaries or web graphics.

Greg Zywicki