My wife is away on business and won't be back until Sep. 3, so I am
always tempted when dining alone to simply get in the car and go to a
Chinese or an Indian restaurant. But I remember that most times when
I eat out, I suffer from heartburn afterwards. The challenge is in
dining alone, although one never dines completely alone with three
cats and a guinea pig in the house, especially when one has tuna for
Tonight, I will crack open a can of tuna, peel and slice some nice
local cucumbers and sprinkle the slices lightly with salt, and eat
the tuna with dollops of tofu mayonnaise. Yes, I know, tofu
mayonnaise...yuk, ik, byeurk...but it ain't so. Some are really
creepy and others are really ooky (especially the no fat sort), but
Earth Island Original is actually better tasting than Hellman's, not
that that's particularly hard to do. In the prepared mayonnaise
race, this one beats them all. The only better mayo is the one I
make myself, but I would waste quite a bit of it. I prefer to make
it when there are two or three people at the table.
I don't recommend the organic one and I haven't tasted the others.
For dessert, washed blueberries with a sprinkling of fructose.
Tomorrow, if I think about it, I'll make a bucket (2 litres) of
German to Picasso in front of Guernica: Did you do this?
Picasso to German in front of Guernica: No, it was you.