Cheez Waffles
On 10/26/2015 4:43 PM, l not -l wrote:
> On 26-Oct-2015, Nancy Young > wrote:
>> Okay, I know the name is Waffies.
>> I thought they'd stopped making them, but I was in a store
>> today, looking for some chips and what did I spy on the bottom
>> shelf?
>> I grabbed three bags.
> I bought a bag of their twin on Friday. Waffies are generally sold in the
> east and south by Wise Foods; but, have been seen on occasion at Big Lots!
> stores elsewhere. The same cheesy waffle snack is sold as Jay's Cheese
> Wheels in the parts of the country served by Jay's snacks (a part of Snyder
> and Lance snack foods). Websites for both companies offer product locators.
Just now I was in a store that never ever carries the cheese waffles.
I actually bought their last box of Old London cheese waffles, after
that they were never seen again, in any store. And I looked.
I don't know what made me notice, it was one of those displays at the
end of an aisle, on the side. A metal rack. Snack size chips.
What do I see??
Waffle Works cheese waffles. Distributed by Herr's.
No doubt still the same manufacturer.