Thread: Emergency food
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Julie Bove[_2_] Julie Bove[_2_] is offline
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Default Emergency food

"Cheryl" > wrote in message
>I just saw this TV commercial for a one month supply of freeze dried food
>that could last up to 25 years in storage without opening it for what I'd
>call a ridiculous price unless you really could live on this for a month,
>then it seems cheap, comparatively. They offered other "freebies" if YOU
> What do you think of this? Do you have plans just in case there's some
> weird disaster that contaminates all food except for freeze dried? lol

I'll pass. I have plenty of canned food. If we had to, we could live for a
month on that. However we would have to carefully ration the food and it
would get rather tedious after a time.

If for some reason I did have to get the emergency food, I would just get a
bucket of it at Winco. It seems reasonably cheap.