Emergency food
On 11/7/2015 9:09 PM, Sqwertz wrote:
> On Sat, 7 Nov 2015 18:21:59 -0500, Cheryl wrote:
>> I just saw this TV commercial for a one month supply of freeze dried
>> food that could last up to 25 years in storage without opening it for
>> what I'd call a ridiculous price unless you really could live on this
>> for a month, then it seems cheap, comparatively. They offered other
>> "freebies" if YOU ACT NOW.
> They must be playing those commercials nationally. I saw them too.
> They started about 5-6 days ago here.
>> What do you think of this? Do you have plans just in case there's some
>> weird disaster that contaminates all food except for freeze dried? lol
> I keep a full kitchen pantry for after I deplete the fridge and
> freezer first (assuming I don't have any electricity). I have enough
> in the fridge and freezer to last 3-4 weeks assuming I have
> electricity.
> -sw
I guess if you don't have to evacuate and carry your food that works. I
think those people must be targeting those who think they might have to
flee and take what they need and go. I also have enough food to keep me
going for weeks right here.