Thread: Emergency food
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Moe DeLoughan[_2_] Moe DeLoughan[_2_] is offline
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Default Emergency food

On 11/7/2015 5:21 PM, Cheryl wrote:
> I just saw this TV commercial for a one month supply of freeze dried
> food that could last up to 25 years in storage without opening it for
> what I'd call a ridiculous price unless you really could live on this
> for a month, then it seems cheap, comparatively. They offered other
> "freebies" if YOU ACT NOW.
> What do you think of this? Do you have plans just in case there's some
> weird disaster that contaminates all food except for freeze dried? lol

Here's how gross apocalypse emergency food rations are
by Casey Chan

Televangelists like Jim Bakker are basically scam artists who feed on
implanting people with fear and profiting off that fear. Bakker, for
example, is notorious for shilling his buckets of survivalist food
that costs hundreds of dollars and last 20 years (just in time for the
world to end!). But how does that food taste? We got chef Greg Lauro
to cook up some of these evangelical survivalist food items and it's
absolutely disgusting. Like, gross doesnt even begin to describe it.

The food€”which basically only requires the addition of hot water to
cook€”ends up being like beige slop and red vomit and liquid sludge.
Lauro described the taste as "paper mache" and "a bathroom at a bar at
the end of the night in a college town" and "one of the worst thing
Ive ever eaten in my life" to describe the taste and smell of the food.

(Link below for those who want to view the video)