Crappy turkey
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Posts: 145
Crappy turkey
> On Monday, November 9, 2015 at 10:29:49 PM UTC-8, sf wrote:
>> On Mon, 9 Nov 2015 22:38:15 -0700, Embudo > wrote:
>>> sf wrote:
>>>> On Mon, 09 Nov 2015 17:33:23 -0600, Michel Boucher
>>>> > wrote:
>>>>> MisterDiddyWahDiddy > wrote in
>>>>> :
>>>>>> The United States is by far the world's largest turkey producer
>>>>> As evidenced by the current Republican lineup. All gobble, no
>>>>> substance.
>>>> LOL
>>> Plenty of substance in Gov. Kasich.
>>> No joke.
>> He and Jeb seem to be the only republican candidates worth any
>> consideration... and I like him better than Jeb. I like Martin
>> O'Malley too.
> I don't know if this is important to you, but Kasich has yet to meet
> an abortion restriction he wouldn't sign into law:
"Since Kasich entered office in 2011, he has enacted 16 anti-abortion
measures. Some directly restrict abortion access, such as the 20-week
late-term ban that he signed six months after entering office.
Late term abortions are murder, period.
"Others limit the work of abortion providers. For example, in 2013 he
signed the state's budget bill, which included one provision that
prohibits state-funded rape crisis counselors from referring women to
abortion services"
Are women incapable of finding them on their own?
"and another that stripped Planned Parenthood of an estimated $1.4
million in federal family-planning dollars."
Until they stop trading in fetal tissue sales they SHOULD be stripped of
government funding.
"The measures have had drastic consequences for access to abortion and
medical care for Ohio women: During Kasich's time in office, the number
of abortion providers in the state has dropped from 16 to eight."
And he personally closed down how many of those 8?
This is unspecified blame writ as indictment by a far left mouth-organ.
Kasich has earned both support and criticism from fellow Republicans for
his more moderate political philosophy. He supported Common Core
education standards, a path to citizenship for illegal immigrants and
expansions for Medicaid in Ohio.
Legally require hiring women & minorities Favors
Absolute right to gun ownership Strongly Favors
More enforcement of the right to vote Favors
Stimulus better than market-led recovery Neutral
Privatize Social Security Strongly Favors
Stricter punishment reduces crime Strongly Favors
Expand the military Opposes
Never legalize marijuana Strongly Favors
Pathway to citizenship for illegal aliens Neutral
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