Crappy turkey
Ed Pawlowski wrote:
> On 11/11/2015 4:26 PM, sf wrote:
>> So the answer is to limit voting to citizens with no outstanding
>> tickets who have a hard copy of birth certificates. Yeah, sure.
>> That's encouraging voter participation. Not. If I had to obtain a
>> birth certificate from another state just to vote, I'd consider it an
>> impediment of my voting rights. If this birth certificate thing is SO
>> important, then the states should be sharing that information
>> electronically and the transaction should be absolutely free to the
>> person who is required to present it.
> Birth certificates are required for many things as you go through life.
> Most everyone has one and most parents take care of them and pass them
> on to adult children. If you lose it, why should my tax dollars
> subsidize you getting a "free" replacement?
Furthermore would the same "freebie" apply to your SSN card?
> While parking tickets should not be an impediment to voting, the person
> in the story is not very responsible. Yet she is allowed to choose our
> nation's leaders.
And a whopping 53% of Dems want illegals voting in OUR elections!
Madness, sheer madness.