Thread: Emergency food
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Default Emergency food

On Fri, 13 Nov 2015 09:22:24 -0000, "Ophelia" >

>"Julie Bove" > wrote in message
>> "Ophelia" > wrote in message
>> ...
>>> "sf" > wrote in message
>>> ...
>>>> On Wed, 11 Nov 2015 19:47:04 -0000, "Ophelia" >
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> "sf" > wrote in message
>>>>> ...
>>>>> > On Wed, 11 Nov 2015 13:37:22 -0500, jmcquown >
>>>>> > wrote:
>>>>> >
>>>>> >> >
>>>>> >> Actually she didn't have to clean it, we had a maid. It was
>>>>> >> apparently
>>>>> >> just the thought of a pee trough that bothered her.
>>>>> >>
>>>>> > I wouldn't want that in my bathroom either. It's as repugnant as a
>>>>> > bidet or a toilet with the seat left up. If there were his and hers
>>>>> > bathrooms and a maid to clean them, I'd say go for it because I'd
>>>>> > never need to step foot inside the one with a urinal. Otherwise, it
>>>>> > won't happen in any bathroom I use.
>>>>> A bidet??? I can see you need educated! One doesn't pee in a bidet!
>>>>> It
>>>>> is
>>>>> the place you wash yourself *after* you have peed!
>>>>> What? No bidet? So, tell me, how do you clean yourself afterwards?
>>>>> Don't
>>>>> tell me you don't wash???
>>>>> No I am not having a go at anyone for not having one, but I will not be
>>>>> sneered at for having one and having it likened to a toilet!!
>>>> Apparently bidet owners have never heard of toilet paper.
>>> Oh I use toilet paper BEFORE I use the bidet. I don't consider just
>>> wiping
>>> myself with paper is clean enough.
>>> I prefer to wash and be properly clean!

>> You are that messy afterwards? *Probably does not really want to know the
>> answer*

>No I damned well am not messy. I do not consider wiping faeces from my anus
>with toilet paper leaves it clean. You tell me how you do it! As I asked
>sf before being attacked, if you got it on your hands, would you wipe it off
>with paper?? No, you would damned well wash them, or I hope you would, but
>if you don't, it is no skin off my nose. I don't care!!!
>Now, I didn't attack anyone, or say anyone must have a bidet, I simply made
>a comment when Moe was questioned about having a bidet that I had one too.
>Of course sf took that as a personal slight and did her usual stunts. Was
>it jealousy or her Superiority Complex cutting in again? I don't give a
>damn but I am sick of it!!!
>Why are you so concerned anyway about whether I have a bidet? Are you
>jealous too or do you just feel like joining in the bitching at me with sf?
>I don't give a damn who has one or not, but I refuse to be put on trial so
>you and everyone else who feels like bitching about it can sod off.

Well said and I see Julie referred to 'flushable wipes' - there is no
such thing.

It has been determined that the usual cause of these are ceramic type
sewage pipes, pre plastic, and wipes which hang up on irregularities.

I think she lives in an older house, so she better be careful what she
is flushing